Images from Marin County Parks

Images from Tiburon Open Space

News about the Martha Property and Tiburon Open Space.
Imagine that there was a celebration... and it was on a mountain, and that mountain was in your backyard. And it would take place on open land that we can now go to, be in, and experience... forever. Imagine that.
Yes, it's true... The Martha Property is now open space! That precious land that sits above Tiburon now belongs to all of us... forever.
You are invited... so lace up your boots, throw on those jackets, and get ready to enjoy!
The Deets:
Date: October 26. Make a note. It's gonna be fun.
Where: On the Martha Property. Yes, it will take place up there!
How: Shuttles will leave from downtown Tiburon. Details to follow.
What: Ribbons will be cut and Martha's new name will be celebrated.
Why: Simple. Martha belongs to all of us.
Please mark your calendars. We would love to celebrate with you.
Tiburon Open Space wants to thank:
Trust for Public Land • Measure M + 1990's bond proceeds Marin County Open Space District (Measure A) • California Wildlife Conservation Board • California Natural Resources Agency • Town of Tiburon • City of Belvedere • Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation • Belvedere Community Foundation • Tiburon Peninsula Foundation • 400 Individual Donors who contributed graciously Scores of dedicated volunteers
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It is also, joyfully, a letter to our future.
I have imagined sending a note like this for, oh, some 35 years. (Yikes!) It is a message about those acres above us, of course. It is also about an idea, a notion, a hope realized; it is about a wonderful, and once virtually impossible-to-contemplate dream.
Because it is done. It is done. Martha, her acres and her gifts now belong to each of us. Martha is open to us all…and forever.
We are all officially authorized to hoot, holler, hike, and hug each other, our kids and theirs!
There are a few other thoughts that I’d like to share. Looking back through those 35 years there are scores of people who have pitched in; who have shared and passionately believed in our vision; who have, like us, imagined that land remaining in its natural state, open and welcoming to feet of all sizes (and to hooves and winged creatures and rare plants and frogs!)
We are deeply indebted to each of you who have helped in any way that you could over all of these years.
You remind us, importantly, what a group of like-minded people can accomplish. You see, together this team has forever saved the land for public use and enjoyment - very soon the barbed wire will come down, "private property" signs will disappear, invasive species will be cleared to provide nourishment to threatened plants, and the land will be forever stewarded for generations of people and wildlife.
We don’t know about tomorrow’s world, but it is likely safe to say that there will be an intense need, just as there is today, to have places of calm beauty to nurture and replenish us. Can an open space put her arm around you and share her thoughts? Her sense of peace? The assurance of her very presence? We believe so. And now Martha is free to do just that... she is now a neighbor nearby, a precious space for everyone, forever.
Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts in this special moment. And thank you again for all that you have done. Most simply stated, perhaps, because of you, a mother and her son can sit on a high hill looking out over that Bay, and watch the sunset as it colors the low fog. Possibly, tonight? Definitely, forever.
Don’t you think that this calls for a celebration? We sure do. Look for details about it in this space tomorrow!
Tiburon Open Space
Image by Jocelyn Knight
We have some very, very good news. The Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) funding that is needed to complete the purchase of the Martha property was Released Today! (FYI, this is something both Trust for Public Land and Tiburon Open Space were expecting.)
That’s right, we have now received the WCB $5.5 million for Martha. This means that we now have only a $20,000 funding gap to complete the purchase; a gap which we are confident can soon be filled.
WCB is completing the paperwork for early July funding…just as the budget is to be signed by the governor. There will be lots of paperwork to be completed with Marin County and Martha.
But the wonderful, joyful, we-are-ecstatic, let’s-go-take-a-hike-and-celebrate news:
In early September we will close and the purchase of Martha will be complete!
That treasure will soon be for everyone to walk upon, create memories with, and pass on to those to follow… forever.
We will keep you posted about all the details. We are so very happy and grateful.
Image by Jocely Knight
Remember those last few steps?
We’ve taken several of them. There’s just a few more to go...
We’ll see, but we are thinking that this may be the last “update” before what we hope to be a final announcement of Martha’s acquisition. But there’s a bit more distance to cover.
On May 23, 2024, the California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) approved a $5.5 million grant to Trust for Public Land for the Martha property purchase! This grant is contingent on finalization of the State Budget in late June.
If, as we hope, the final State Budget includes the WCB funding, as the proposed budget currently does, a very small funding gap of $72,915 will remain. We will know the outcome, with certainty, later this Summer.
In the meantime, we continue to seek funds to limit the Town of Tiburon’s pledged contribution to $1 million, if at all possible. We take our promise to the Town very seriously: Help us raise the final $72,915 now with a gift to TOS. Any excess funds raised will be used for Martha's maintenance and improvements - stewardship.
Just a few more exciting steps to take…will you take them with us?
Our very best,
Image by Jocelyn Knight
One step. Small steps. Big steps.
And, now, just a few more.
What a remarkable journey it has been to forever protect Martha. This note is our way of saying that we still need your help. As the man once said, “It ain’t over ’til it’s over.” We are so close, but it ain’t over.
It began with a vision, an idea: this treasure atop a hill above Tiburon could be saved from development. Yes, there was resolve and a collective belief: Martha could be saved.
In small steps: neighbors and friends pledged their support with time and small donations.
And then, years in the making, major donations followed: a partnership with the Trust for Public Land, the success of Measure M, significant pledges from the Town of Tiburon, Marin County, the City of Belvedere, the Tiburon and Belvedere Community Foundations. All large, important, and necessary steps.
And it continues as so many individuals and organizations pledge their additional support in the race to realize this dream. The Town of Tiburon has pledged an additional $1 million contingent upon everyone continuing to raise funds. The Belvedere Community Foundation has pledged to match up to $50,000 as a donation matching grant. There are other public and private donors who have demonstrated their support… and tireless resolve.
And, now, with the deadline just ahead, we need your help in taking just a few more steps to cross the finish line. These last few steps are actually giant steps leading to an open-to-all-and-forever Martha.
Please donate whatever you can. $1,000? $100? $50? All gifts matter as we need the funds, and very much want to demonstrate, to anyone who will listen, that this community continues to believe that saving and stewarding Martha is worth doing until it’s done.
Donate, call us. Ask someone else to send a donation. Show your support.
As we have from the beginning, we need your help. And, as always, thank you.
Trust for Public Land, aided by local grassroots group Tiburon Open Space, has so far raised about $31.6 million of the $42.1 million required to buy the site from owner the Martha Co. TPL needs to close a $1-million fundraising gap by early May 2024 to ensure the Martha property is preserved as open space.
Learn more in this article by The Ark:
Hello, again
We hope that you are well.
We’d like to share some news about Martha.
And there is this matter of May.
There is important news to share with you about the acquisition of the Martha property.
Let’s begin with a brief review of where things stand: with Measure M and previous bond proceeds, commitments from Marin County and the Town of Tiburon, and $4.3 million raised from private foundations and individuals, Tiburon Open Space (TOS) and Trust for Public Land (TPL) are closing in on the $42.1 million needed to buy Martha. They are working now to leverage this strong showing of local support - 80% of funds in hand or pledged - to secure significant additional public funding from state conservation agencies. It’s stunning, really. This is a great achievement and moves us so close to keeping Martha open, forever.
But we have more work to do. The goal is within sight but we very much need your help to reach it.
There is this matter of May. That’s our deadline to lock in all of the funding for Martha. That's less than 100 days to get this done: we must still secure at least $1 million in additional private philanthropy to complete the transaction.
Are you able to help us do that? Do you know someone, or some entity like a foundation or family office, that can consequentially impact the acquisition of this irreplaceable landscape? How might we help you do that? Want to know more about Martha? Click here for a link to an insightful piece that TPL has prepared. Help set up a conversation or walk on the land with Jerry or our friends at the Trust for Public Land. Share this newsletter! Tiburon Open Space holds a fund at the Marin Community Foundation where tax-exempt donations are accepted here. We need you.
Oh, one last thing. When you are out this week, may we suggest that you stop, take a breath… and have a long look up at Martha... at the ridge above Tiburon... at that wonderfully open space. She has been soaking up rain and is returning it in lush, green, nearly spring splendor; there is rainwater to hear as it trickles down gullies. Right in front of our eyes, she is providing for deer feasting, birds preparing nests for new families, and she is providing sustenance to red-legged frogs, falcons, her rare grasses and flowers; and, yes, she is preparing her trails that await grateful footfalls. You will be looking up at a forever gift sitting right there. You will be looking up at our majestic neighbor.
A forever open Martha is the goal that is, literally, within our sight. Let’s please not take one thing about her presence for granted. Help if you can. Or help us find someone who can.
As ever, thank you for your time and thoughtfulness.
Tiburon Open Space
Contact Jerry Riessen, TOS at
Trust for Public Land
Contact Erica Williams, TPL at
Jerry Riessen received the Marin Conservation League’s Marin Green Award for Environmental Leadership, which recognizes an individual or organization for outstanding contributions toward preserving and protecting the natural assets of Marin County.
At seventy-eight, Jerry remains actively involved as President of Tiburon Open Space, driven by a deep belief in the value of open space for the general public, while also permanently protecting irreplaceable habitat. His leadership over 30 years has been instrumental in achieving these goals.
As Trust for Public Land continues fundraising efforts for the purchase of Martha, Tiburon Open Space welcomes donations to help close the remaining funding gap, ensuring the long-term preservation of this cherished land. To give, please contact Jerry Riessen or give via the Marin Community Foundation portal here. To discuss a leadership gift in support of acquisition, please contact Nicole Brown at Trust for Public Land,
In the end, it's not rocket science that will protect this land from development; it's the persistence, vision, and collaborative spirit of individuals like Jerry Riessen and the supportive communities of Tiburon and Belvedere. Together, we will preserve this open space for all, forever.
Learn more:
It seems to us that the timing is particularly ideal to say two very special words: Thank You. Thanks to your efforts, we are a very important step closer to having Martha remain open for all of us, and forever.
Thank you for your remarkable, truly unprecedented support. Nearly 80% (78.81%) of those who could voted “yes” on Measure M. Wow.
Thank you to those of you who volunteered, distributed signs, stood in front of Woodlands and answered questions, knocked on doors, and made important calls. Unselfishly. Personally. With patience and conviction.
Thank you to those of you who donated the dollars we needed to navigate the sometimes difficult, and, often, delicate path forward.
Thank you for continuing to hang in there with us. After significant pledges from Marin County, the Town of Tiburon, and the funds coming from Measure M all totaling $26.1 million, there is a remaining gap of $15 million that we will need to close before the Trust for Public Land can complete the actual purchase. We are looking for donations both large and small. We will be actively soliciting major gifts from local donors, State Agencies, and Foundation entities.
All donations are tax-deductible, an especially nice prospect at this time of year.
If you would like to talk more about the joys and details of donating, please contact Jerry Riessen at he would love nothing more than to help you. You can also go to the Tiburon Open Space site at
We genuinely thank you. Your neighbors thank you. Your kids, and theirs, thank you.
Tiburon Open Space
Please read. Please share.
There’s much at stake as we consider Measure M. By now you have heard important arguments in favor of its passing, among them:
The reduction of fire risk;
the protection of threatened wild- and plant life habitat;
it can be an important factor to protect water quality in the Bay; and
it will help avoid years of traffic and disruption on the streets of Tiburon and Belvedere.
These are real things. They alone are reasons to vote in favor of Measure M.
There are also a few other reasons that we would ask you to consider. They come in the form of grand children walking wide eyed on a trail; the benefits of a contemplative stroll with the fog rolling into the Bay; the joy of discovering the blooming of spring flowers; the site of young deer grazing, of wind bending long grasses at our feet as a city, a bridge, another bridge, and ships passing capture our imagination. This a place unlike any on Earth.
While it may at times seem like this decision is just a simple “yea" or “nay," it is so much more. This land actually exists. We can see it, walk upon it, and feel it on our skin as we do. It is not a political abstraction. It is a choice for open space both vast and nearby. It is a choice about the future. It is a choice to create a sanctuary of acres overlooking a vast inland Bay, a City we love, a bridge that defies description, a trail right next to us that leads to new discoveries each time we venture upon it. It is a choice to save the land that is both close to our hearts, and close to our homes.
There is a price, of course. It is real. But, for the cost of a couple of (remarkable!) Tiburon restaurant meals, we can forever taste the wind and freedom as our boots find their way to the magical feeling that only a space of this beauty can provide. And consider: there are the families that will follow us…this is a gift that we can give them. A gift that will literally bring joy to our entire community, forever.
Your vote gives permission to save open land, to save proximate and threatened beauty, to hand the joy of space, clean air and infinite sky to our Tiburon and Belvedere neighbors.
We hope that you agree. And we hope that you will choose to vote “yes” on Measure M.
As always, we are tremendously grateful for your time and support.
Measure M Facebook and Instagram pages.
Image by Jocelyn Knight
Our mission at Tiburon Open Space is to ensure that the Martha Property in Tiburon is saved from development.
And with Measure M we are very close!
Measure M will ensure that this ridgeline property with spectacular bay vistas is permanently protected as Marin County Open Space.
Can you help us make this happen?
Please sign up for any of these activities to help out:
Phone banking
Neighborhood canvassing
Not sure you can do this? Don't worry, all these activities include training.
Please get involved and help Measure M win!
Hello again, dear friends. You have likely heard that Trust for Public Land (TPL) and the Reed Family, with the help and support of Tiburon Open Space, has announced an agreement to purchase the Martha Property. We are close to having that magnificent space open for all...forever.
We now need to finance a major portion of the purchase. Measure M, is the way we can do that.
We realize that we have asked a lot of you over the years as we have worked hard for this outcome. We humbly ask you to carry on with these last, important steps. Please read this: ( It describes the multiple benefits to the community of saying “YES” to Measure M.
We further ask that you seek the support of your friends and associates to vote yes on M.
Here is a brief summary of reasons to support Measure M:
Measure M, on November 8, 2022, ballot, will protect open space, natural areas, wildlife habitats and water quality surrounding Tiburon and Belvedere.
For 50 years the Martha Property has been a source of contention in our community. Measure M will finally bring a close to that, protecting the property and our resources so that our children and grandchildren can enjoy the same quality of life that we do.
Measure M will:
Reduce wildfire risk to our local communities
Conserve open space surrounding Tiburon and Belvedere
Protect wildlife habitat
Protect the water quality of the estuary and the bay
Prevent increased traffic congestion in our community
Thank you. As we have been through these years, we are grateful for your support in this cause that we share. With the coalition of TPL, the Reed Family, and with our continued work and support, we can achieve what we have dreamed of for so long. This, we can do.
Tiburon Open Space
Assisted by Trust for Public Land and Tiburon Open Space, the owners of the Martha Property have agreed to a purchase option of those magnificent acres above Tiburon! We extend our sincere thanks to the Reed family for this commitment to conservation. Among other things, this means that, when the transaction is completed, our collective dream will have come true: Martha will be open to all and forever!
While this gem may be located in Tiburon, when linked with the adjacent Old St Hilary’s open space and that of the Romberg Center preserve to the north and east, a new, vast open space will be created, adding 110 diverse and protected acres with world-class views and but minutes from one of the most exciting cities in the world. (see map below).
At last.
It has taken decades, yes, but there is still work to do. Funds will need to be generated from multiple sources, including a successful bond measure this Fall, a share of Measure A funds, and corporate and private donations. You’ll be hearing more about this soon. As ever, we will ask for your support and enthusiasm.
We are delighted beyond measure. Stay tuned, excited, enthusiastic… the end is in sight!
Image by Jocelyn Knight
The beginning is also in sight. You will soon be able to hike along her trails again, watch birds soar high above, appreciate the wildflowers that call her home, gaze out at those unbelievable views, that Bay, that City, and marvel, daydream, and breathe deeply. And smile, knowing that we will happily pass this joy along to those who will follow. What a fine day that will be.
Please look and listen for follow-up news.
Thank you. We are delighted... for all of us!
Tiburon Open Space
There’s a bit of news to share: the family who owns Martha has dramatically reduced the price that they are asking for the property. On the one hand, this is encouraging. After so many years, the price, though still wildly expensive ($63 million, down from $95 million), has dropped as many problems remain: environmental issues, the 28 landslides that remain, plants and animals with special, protected status, unavoidable and hazardous construction and traffic issues should development occur, and, as we know too well, that fact that it is located in a high fire risk zone.
Be reminded, however, that there is another possibility: this price reduction could well attract other speculators who may attempt to carry on with the ill-advised plans to blanket Martha with development. Blanket development on a ridge top benefits no one.
This will only be a positive development when coupled with our collective efforts to battle development, continue to highlight the many problems that exist, then to arrive at a fair appraised value.
Tiburon Open Space (TOS) remains steadfast in our belief that these very real environmental problems make preservation the only viable path forward. And the only right one.
Please continue your support for TOS's efforts to preserve Martha for everyone forever. We need your help to carry on.
Call us if you want to talk.
Learn more here (Reprinted with the permission of The Ark.)
Rain, glorious rain, falls upon the land.
Golden Hills magically become rolling carpets of green.
No mask or virus can mute our heartfelt response to such beauty.
Yes, ’tis the Season.
Hello. We hope, however you celebrate the holidays, that celebration is accompanied by friends and family, warmth and good cheer.
This beautiful, dripping wet season reminds us of the joys of Martha…of walking on her trails, the peace of open space, the forever views of Bay water, The Gate, the City.
We can imagine those trails calling out, asking to guide us across her hills, inviting us to experience all of her beauty. Again.
Our work progresses…plodding along, it sometimes seems. We have viewed and commented upon the Marin County trails plan. It is a digital journey, but we invite you to comment: It is not a substitute for cold temperatures, the wind, and distant whitecaps, but it is important work.
In your deliberations about Martha, and Marin County open space, we ask you to consider the consequential relationship between Old St Hilary Open Space and the Martha Property…a symbiotic relationship that would irreversibly be disturbed by the proposed development on Martha. It would amount to a tragic loss.
It is not too late to donate to this important work. There is a new address…please take note and please help us:
Tiburon Open Space
1550-G Tiburon Blvd, #614, Tiburon, CA 94920
Make checks to Marin Community Foundation. Please note "Tiburon Open Space" on memo line. You can also donate online via our website.
We offer you a digital toast: to the season, to loved ones, to preserving Martha, and to you.
All the best.
Photo by Jocelyn Knight
Hello, again.
Spring has sprung. Summer is upon us. The dread of the past year? Present, but fading. For all of this, we are happy and grateful. Save just one thing:
Unlike schools and businesses and restaurants, the Open Space right here in our midst, is still closed. We haven’t forgotten. We hope that you haven’t, either. It’s time to recommit to opening Martha now…and forever.
The pandemic did not slow our efforts. We have recently filed a reply brief to our Environmental Impact Report (EIR) in Appellate Court. This continues to be a fight worth fighting. We believe that the EIR is flawed. It simply does not address and mitigate the severe environmental problems that developing Martha would create. Among them,
dramatically worse traffic on Tiburon Blvd. If you think it is bad now, stay tuned;
construction road safety is very real, it is not someone else’s problem;
insufficient water pressure on Martha becomes our fire-season problem as soon as construction begins.
We are not alone in our battle on this front. The Town of Tiburon has filed a separate appeal to the EIR, citing:
traffic safety on local streets (there it is, again);
the real threat any development on Martha poses to endangered species. Enough said.
Both TOS and the Town of Tiburon continue to challenge Martha's disregard of vital requirements of California Environmental Law.
Challenging Martha’s development is, we believe, something that we must do! This is one of those issues: if not us, who? If not now, when?
We ask you to join us in the who and the now! We need your help.
And while that process continues, the appraisal process grinds on. We want to keep Martha open, to us all, and forever…and must fight on several legal and financial fronts in order to realize that objective.
Will you help us? With fresh air to breathe, life newly opened, fresh promise on the horizon, we ask you to do what you can to help us remove every impediment that stands in the way to Martha being open for every generation that will call this place home.
We, and they, would be grateful.
The View from Martha in the Springtime by Jocelyn Knight
Hello, again.
It has been too long. Far too long.
Like you, we have struggled to find the health and space we had so taken for granted. We hope that you are doing OK…better than OK, actually. Much better.
Not surprisingly, the promise of an open, accessible Martha Property has given solace during these awful moments. Standing watch above Tiburon and the Bay, she is beautiful, strong, inviting, and now adorned in her lovely shades of green.
It seemed like a good time to get reacquainted. And to remind you that Tiburon Open Space remains committed to buying the Martha property at fair market value. We want to preserve Martha for everyone, forever - just as we led the efforts to purchase Old St Hilary’s Open Space. (She, too, looks wonderful in her wintergreen garb, don’t you think?)
We have learned that the TRUST organization has lost it trails case on appeal. We are terribly disappointed at the court’s ruling. Please know this: It does not in any way deter our efforts to purchase Martha. We remain focused on working with the appraiser and property owner to determine a fair price for Martha. Those efforts are ongoing and encouraging and costly.
If you can, we’d be grateful for any new financial commitments that you could make to assist in those efforts. Very grateful.
Thank you for your past support. And thank you, in advance, for any you might possibly extend today. We will keep you posted on the progress in our collective efforts to save Martha from development.
More than ever, we need open spaces. We want to save the special one that is just up there, on that hill, right there in our midst.
We all need to be mindful to maintain social distance. We also want to be mindful that reducing our distance from nature may well be the ideal antidote for this difficult moment.
View from Open Space across Martha Property
Photo by Jocelyn Knight
Our Marin County Open Space is still open. Open space is ready and there to embrace us. The authorities says it’s OK. Sweet. Let’s go.
Old St. Hilary's Open Space
Photo by Jocelyn Knight
St. Hilary Open Space would love to say “hello.” She is beautiful and welcoming. From her, you will see (and feel) the magnificent Martha Property right over there. Her singular beauty and stature remind us all that she, too, is ready to be open and to welcome and embrace any who may find her.
Use the visuals here to imagine your boots walking those trails one sunny and windy afternoon while your eyes gaze out on the singular view. You drink it all in. You feel her strength. Remember?
Imagine the power of what can be.
Butterfly and Poppy on Martha Property
Photo by Jocelyn Knight
In this trying moment, we hope, first, that you and your family are OK. And, then, that these photos work their antidotal wonders for you...just as they always have for us.
Shelter In Place... and Enjoy Open Space! We are all in this together.
Sunset across Martha Property
Photo by Jocelyn Knight
In this note, we will ask you to think about the last two words in our name: Open Space. Wonderful. Evocative. Important.
As you know, we are all about saving the Martha property from development. The reasons are too many to count: saving native plants, protecting animals who call that treasured place “home.” Above all else, we endeavor to keep that place open for our children to walk upon and enjoy. And theirs. In so doing, allowing the land above us to stay as it has been, forever. We want to save the land, a bit of our sanity, and protect the precious, shrinking open space that lies within reach.
That is our mission. With your continued help and support, which we need now more than ever, we will continue to pursue it.
A challenge has been posed to us. It is political in nature. Like Martha, it involves the county and disparate interests and good people who disagree about what’s best for the future. In this matter, we are driven by one thought: we all need more open space.
We, therefore, ask you to strongly consider a NO vote on County Measure D. This is the measure that can assure that the San Geronimo land will remain open. As advocates of land that is open and accessible to all, it seems the right vote to take. And to ask of you.
Please spend some time with the issue as you consider how you will vote. (
On the surface, it seems to be a golf or no golf vote. That just isn’t so. Several golf operators considered and rejected purchasing the property to extend that use. None came forward as they saw no financially viable path forward. This is a problem that plagues many golf operations throughout the country, and the San Geronimo course was no exception. Please keep in mind that, while we are terrible at golf, we do love golf. In this instance, opening this space is a wonderful and important alternative.
A NO vote will keep the land in San Geronimo open for all of us for all time. There will be no additional cost to Marin taxpayers.
Every environmental group and many leaders in Marin County agree. A few key endorsers of the No on County Measure D: Sierra Club, Marin IJ, Marin County Firefighters Association, Marin Conservation League, Marin Democrats. (See the complete list at San Geronimo For All Endorsements.)
We believe that its best use is for it to be open, as it once was, and available to those who have two legs or four, wings or gills. Just as it is in Tiburon, open is good. Open is worth voting for.
We appreciate your understanding as we add this thought to our ongoing solicitation of your emotional and financial support. We will continue to work very hard to keep Martha from development.
Thank you. Let us know what you think.