Help Save Martha Property

To the friends of Tiburon Open Space.

Have you got a minute?  Or maybe just a few more?
On Tuesday, August 7th, an important, informational meeting will take place at Tiburon Town Hall.
Tiburon Open Space and TRUST — Tiburon-Belvedere Residents United to Save Trails — will come together for an informational workshop to update the community on the developments taking place in both crucial efforts.  While the two initiatives are separate and legally distinct, they do share the ultimate objective of keeping access to Martha for us all:
     TRUST will update on their upcoming state trial that will determine whether the long-used Martha trails will remain open; and
     TOS will update on developments that have occurred as the Town of Tiburon has now joined in the effort to address remaining environmental impacts relating to biology and traffic safety.
If you care at all about this work and community effort to save this property, please, please come and join in this event.

Meeting details:

        Tiburon Town Hall
        Tuesday, August 7th
        7:00 PM

We really hope to see you there.
Thank you for supporting this work and efforts to keep beautiful Martha open to all and forever.

Tiburon Open Space